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Private Sector
Grant Schemes

SME IN ACTION I AND II Grant Schemes (2009-2010)

The SME Calls in Action I and II aimed at improving the creating safe and healthy working conditions for employees, and increase productivity and investment in the private sector. They also encouraged the uptake of ICT in SMEs, and, at the same time, supported the development of a competitive local ICT sector.

Following the launch of the two schemes in 2009 and 2010, a total of 31 awarded projects, amounting to €3 million, were finalised by 2012.


The overall objective of this Call for Proposals, totalling €4.7 million, was to support start-ups and strengthen the competitiveness of existing enterprises, and to diversify the local economy as a means to improve the job market and preserve natural resources. The specific objectives were to modernise products and services through fostering business excellence and Total Quality Management (TQM) along with the introduction of quality management standards, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), environmental protection and Information Technology.

Following the launch of the scheme in January 2012, 282 applications were received. A total of 36 projects were completed.

SME IN ACTION IV Grant scheme (2018 – to date)

This specific call is based on to attract different economic operators with specific priorities such as, food and drink industry (including agro-processing), mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering industries, healthcare and business services, and commercialisation of products and services. The global objective of this call for proposals, totalling €5 million, is to promote competitiveness and business sophistication among Turkish Cypriot's Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), Clusters and Business Support Organizations through adaptation to standardized business environments. The specific objectives are to improve manufacturing standards and exploitation of new production line/technology, enhance creditworthiness of SMEs and clusters along with strengthening the role of BSOs in their provision of services and networking opportunities.

Following the launch of the scheme in June 2018, 200 applicants were received. A total of 27 projects were awarded a grant and are some of them are now ongoing.

In addition to the three SME Calls for Proposals directly administered by the European Commission, a further €3 million was allocated to SME support and implemented by UNDP during the period 2007-2011.

The overall objective of this SME programme was to increase enterprise competitiveness through establishing links between the Turkish Cypriot private sector and the EU market.

62 SMEs benefitted from the programme, supporting compliance with quality, environmental and social standards that meet European standards and recognised certification processes.

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