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Human Resources
Grant Schemes

The overall objective of the programme was to support the strengthening and development of human resources policy in the Turkish Cypriot community through support to initiatives for innovation and change in pre-primary, primary and secondary schools in the northern part of Cyprus in line with global and European educational trends.Three key priorities guiding this call for proposals were:
  1. To promote the development of modern teaching and learning methods and raise the capacity of educational practitioners in line with global and European educational trends;
  2. To improve the overall management of the educational system and to encourage networking between the educational stakeholders with the view to promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship including specific attention to disadvantaged groups; and
  3. To promote joint projects between Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot schools in order to foster reconciliation between the two communities.
The overall amount made available under this call for proposals was €700,000 out of which around €600,000 was contracted. Ten schools listed below implemented projects between 2014 -2016.
Grant BeneficiaryProject Title
Nicosia Turkish High School / Lefkoşa Türk LisesiMulticulturalism in Education
Sedat Simavi Industrial Vocational High School / Sedat Simavi Endustri Meslek LisesiModernisation of teaching and learning methods of Electrical Engineering
Fazıl Plumer Nursery School / Fazıl Plümer AnaokuluTeaching with Reggio Emilia Approach
Değirmenlik Lisesi / Değirmenlik LyceumPEER POWER: Youth Mobilizing the Community
Turkish Education College / Türk Maarif KolejiConfucius says: “I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.” Modernizing and Enhancing Learning through Laboratory Practices
Nicosia Anatolian Fine Arts High School / Lefkoşa Anadolu Güzel Sanatlar LisesiCultural and Environmental Recycling
Yeni Yuzyıl Pre-primary School / Yeni Yüzyıl Anaokulu“HELP ME DO IT BY MYSELF!” Integrating the Montessori Method into Pre-primary Education
Nicosia Special Edcuation Centre / Lefkoşa Özel Egitim MerkeziThe Multi purpose and Sensory room in Special Needs Centre
Haydarpaşa Vocational School / Haydarpaşa Meslek LisesiGlobal Hotel Management Software
Namık Kemal High School /Namık Kemal LisesiUpgrading Science Teaching Practices and Methods at NKL

The objective of this grant scheme was to enhance education and lifelong learning opportunities, providing for innovation and creativity, and the promotion of skills and key competencies, vital for a knowledge-based society. The call for proposals was focused on improving child-centred learning and teaching capacities, promoting joint projects between Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot schools, improving employability by focusing on the enhancement of lifelong learning opportunities, and improving entrepreneurship skills by enhancing creativity and innovation at all levels of education and training.

With the total of €1,5M, this grant scheme is focusing on enhancing education and lifelong learning opportunities in the northern part of Cyprus, with a more holistic approach to allow for full participation of individuals in society, as well as allowing for innovation and creativity, and promotion of skills and "key competencies" which are vital in a knowledge based society. The call for proposals is divided into two lots, namely:

  1. Lot1: Innovation and Change in Schools;
    • Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training
      • Improving child-centred learning capacity with focus on key competencies
      • Improving teaching capacity in line with global and EU trends through teacher's training programmes)
    • Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship
      • Fostering further learning, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue
      • Promoting joint projects between Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot schools in order to foster reconciliation between the two communities
  1. Lot 2: Improving Employability;
    • Making lifelong learning a reality
      • Enhancing lifelong learning opportunities - on vocational and labour market related skills and competencies - including training and re-training of unemployed and employed to contribute to competitiveness and employability
    • Enhancing Entrepreneurship
      • Improving entrepreneurial skills by enhancing creativity and innovation, at all levels of education and training
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