Community Development

Four Community Development (CD) grant schemes, totalling €18.35m, support numerous local community initiatives throughout the northern part of Cyprus. The European Union gives great importance to support the rural areas of the EU to meet the wide range of economic, environmental and social challenges of the 21st century.
Following the launch of the first two grant schemes in 2009, a total of 28 grants were awarded. In 2013 a new grant scheme facilitated seven additional projects in rural areas, supporting a wide variety of initiatives, ranging from protection of the natural environment to the fight against all forms of domestic violence in the rural areas.
In 2016, a new grant scheme was launched that will provide opportunities for local communities to improve services to citizens with projects in areas such as waste management, social services, capacity building and strengthening of management structures, cleaning and environmental services, and stray animal management. This new grant scheme is an opportunity for increasing efficiency and modernising local communities, bringing services closer to European standards.
Past and on-going projects include support for a mix of construction works, provision of equipment and capacity building activities. Some examples include:
- Creation and equipping of community centres in Geunyeli/Gonyeli, Pergamos/Beyarmudu, Lourijina/Akincilar and Sinda/İnönü.
- Establishing day care centres for the young and elderly and associated training for staff in Kythrea/Değirmenlik and Sinda/Inönü.
- Awareness raising and education on environmental issues in primary schools in the Mesaoria/Mesarya region.
- Prevention of domestic violence in the Karpasso/Karpaz region.
- Protection of the Kouklia/Köprülü wetlands and provision of bird-watching facilities.
- Prevention and combat of violence against women and raising awareness on gender-based violence and discrimination.
Improve green waste management and public services quality to contribute to a better standard of living.